Thursday, April 16, 2009

Little Bunny Froo Froo

We had a wonderful first Easter with Sophia and both of our families. Church, food, egg hunt, and family time are a staple of Easter and we did them all!

Sophia was almost 8 months old this Easter. She is growing so fast. How does time go by at lightening speed? She is crawling all over the place, standing up, and moving from one piece of furniture to another. She loves to clap, dance, and wave. Her favorite games are: exploring the house and playing crawling tag! I swear she says mama and dada, but it could just be gibber jabber. I love her little "alien talk". I know blah blah blah won't be as cute when she's a teenager! It's amazing how much change has taken place; in her growth, cognitive development, emotional development, sleep, play, and feeding schedule.

Having children really does change everything! In a wonderful, messy, crazy, joyful, blissful way!

1 comment:

The Reimers Family said...

She looks so beautiful in that gorgeous dress! I'm glad you had a fabulous Easter together!